On Wednesday, May 26, the Roanoke Times ran a deeply irresponsible opinion piece entitled “Beware of Rescue Dogs.” According to the Roanoke Times, it was written by a “semi-retired registered nurse who has never been without a family dog.” That is a bit like allowing me a platform to pontificate on brain surgery because I have had a brain all my life.
Ms. Lee’s ignorance with regard to shelter dogs, pit bull type dogs and the responsible use of statistics is shocking. She provides dubiously sourced statistics on the numbers of human deaths from dog attacks in terms like “13 and counting” in 2015 – counting what exactly? Even more troubling is that she leaves the reader with the suggestion that all of these deaths were caused by a breed of dog that she appears to be afraid to actually mention but it is apparent that she is talking about pit bulls, which of course are not even an actual “breed.” She keeps referring to “rescue dogs” throughout the piece, as does the headline, when not all rescue dogs, not even most rescue dogs, are pit bull type dogs. In saying this, I am in no way suggesting that pit bull type dogs should be considered dangerous, just that shelters provide a vast array of wonderful dogs of all sorts including pit bull type dogs.
Then come some appallingly reckless statements from Ms. Lee. “A parent considering adoption of any ‘rescue’ dog should see the online data.” This statement is followed by a citation that does not yield any visible page but it indicates it was about the “dangers of pit bulls.” So, we are actually not able to see any data and the data that may or may not have been there in the past related only to one type of dog – pit bulls. And then she says, “Busting at the seams with these breeds and still euthanizing 600,000 to 800,000 a year, no other breed has this much advocacy.” It is challenging to parse such miserably poor writing. Who exactly is she saying is busting at the seams? It is not at all clear due to the misplaced modifying clause, but I suppose she means shelters. And, those killing statistics for the breed that shall not be named by Ms. Lee but that, according to her, has such advocacy – where were they sourced and what locations or facilities are being referenced? Public shelters, private shelters, all shelters across the nation? None of this is clear.
A responsible news paper such as the Roanoke Times should not have published such a crudely written, irrational and unsubstantiated piece. Animal welfare professionals like me work every day to help the public to understand that shelters are the only responsible place for them to acquire a new four-legged family member. “Rescue dogs” come in all varieties, temperaments and sizes and they may be pure bred or mixed breed. Most of them will make wonderful family pets. Similarly, not all families are alike. There are without doubt some dogs, of all types not just pit bull type or bully breed dogs, who are not well suited for a home with small children. That certainly does not mean that these dogs should be killed, only that a responsible shelter will place them in an appropriate home where they and the human occupants will understand each other and be happy.
Pieces such as this one damage so much of our good work and progress on behalf of animals that are sweet, loving, and well behaved in a shelter somewhere. Through inaccuracies and lack of proof, they mislead the public and hurt the enormous progress we have made to encourage people’s commitment to shelter adoption. Shelter dogs are waiting for a loving home and they have the potential to make their adopters very happy for years to come. There is no more chance that a dog bought from a breeder or a pet store will be any better behaved or safer than a shelter dog, whether or not that dog is a pit bull type dog, but patronizing breeders and pet stores inarguably contributes to the needless deaths of wonderful animals in shelters all over this country who could have been saved through an adoption rather than a purchase. Rescue dogs, like people, come in all sorts of sizes shapes and personalities. Yes, Ms. Lee, assuming that all rescue dogs or all pit bulls are dangerous is canine racism.
Robin Robertson Starr is the chief executive officer of the Richmond SPCA. To read her biography or that of our other bloggers, please click here. Before posting a comment, please review our comment guidelines. Please note that our comment policy requires both your first and last name to be used as your screen name.
This is an excellent rebuttal of her garbled notions/ so helpful to see statewide rebuttal coverage, as this person is def. a menace to the rescue world, as well as danger to the dogs of any breed/ ....... Thanx to a Midlothian Animal Advocate for sending this to me /
Posted by: Mike Taylor | May 28, 2015 at 01:15 PM
As a volunteer at the Roanoke Pound, please accept my most sincere appreciation for this rebuttal!
Posted by: Karen Martin Crawford | May 28, 2015 at 01:39 PM
OMG! As if shelter dogs didn't have enough problems, this person writes an article dissuading people from adopting them! Unforgivable and ignorant! I have NEVER had anything other than a shelter dog, and they ALL have been magnificent pets. Please don't allow this misinformation steer you away from adoption. It's the best thing you could ever do to go to a reputable shelter and find an animal appropriate for your particular circumstances to take home and love!
Posted by: Lisa Garr | May 28, 2015 at 01:49 PM
I applaud and appreciate the dedication of time and thought to write this rebuttal. I took time yesterday to comment on Ms. Lee's opinion piece as well. I am grateful and relieved to the Richmond SPCA and to Robin for this article.
Posted by: Cera Wadsworth | May 28, 2015 at 01:59 PM
You have worded everything I wanted to scream at this woman in the most profound and well laid out format I could have hoped for. Thank you for this wonderful rebuttal. I fear the damage the Times has done already by posting her article, but I am very greatly to read this and others standing up against her misguided, misinformed and jaded article that contained such a lack of credibility I was astonished the Times posted it to begin with. I had posted comments to such on the Facebook and other locations, I am so glad to see this rebuttal going around already and so strongly and wide accepted. Thank you, I live and work IN Roanoke Va.. and I volunteer at the Roanoke Shelter... the one her words have hurt so badly. I wish Ms.Lee would stand for something that would not so costly, if she must stand for something and needs to be heard....make it beneficial. Again. THANK YOU!!
Posted by: Cassandra Knipp O.A.Dip. (Animal Psychology Cert) | May 28, 2015 at 02:17 PM
As a board member of one Rescue in the state of Virginia and a volunteer for several others I applaud your response. Thank you!
Posted by: Tina Grove | May 28, 2015 at 02:28 PM
I, too, am appalled, that the Roanoke Times, or any newspaper for that matter, would print such an opinionated piece with so much misinformation. I have owned many "rescue" dogs in my lifetime that came to me after months or years of abuse and neglect. Every one still holds a place in my heart for the love and loyalty that gave me over the years. Thank you, Richmond SPCA and all the others that made comments rebutting that awful piece.
Posted by: Jo Ann Abell | May 28, 2015 at 02:42 PM
Good for you, Robin Roberston Starr! Thank you for responding so eloquently AND with more, factual information!
Posted by: Karen Maslich-Russell | May 28, 2015 at 03:29 PM
It still angers me each & every time I read or hear about ignorant people "labeling" certain breeds of dogs,DANGEROUS & NOT FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN, etc....These shelter animals are some of the most LOVING & APPRECIATIVE animals (dogs & cats)that I have ever had the PLEASURE to meet. We (myself & husband), rescued 2 BEAUTIFUL DOGS in March of 2014, from thw Richmond Animal Care & Control Center. I have NEVER SEEN ANYTHING BUT PURE LOVE & APPRECIATION from my 2 "wigglebuts", who also LOVE eachother, almost as much as we love them!!Thank-you Richmond SPCA, especially Robin, for a well-versed response to both the Times & Ms. Lee. You ALL do SO MUCH GOOD FOR THESE ANIMALS & should be applauded for it!!!
Posted by: Marsha P. Reel | May 28, 2015 at 03:31 PM
I agree with this rebuttal. In fact, some of the best pets have been rescues. I was in the market for a "pure" bred dog to replace my dog, but as was pointed out to me, the very. Est dog I ever had was a rescue. Ergo, out the window with anything but a rescue. Needing love and security.
Posted by: Anne cook | May 28, 2015 at 06:04 PM
Thank you so much for this rebuttal! Well said!
Posted by: Ann Montgomery | May 28, 2015 at 06:38 PM
Working with "rescue dogs" is the greatest joy in the world. How or why this lady would say the things she did I will never understand. There are many reasons that a dog should not be adopted to a family with small children, small dogs can get dropped or stepped on, large dogs can knock a child down but these issues are not breed specific but size specific. Adoption counselors work with future adopters to find the right dog for their family, maybe it's a hound or a Chihuahua or a Pit Bull. Whatever it is it will be a rescue dog with lots of love to give.
Posted by: Linda Maroney | May 28, 2015 at 09:31 PM
Thanks, everyone, for your comments. The deaths and disfigurements are verified by AP reports, coroner's reports, and law enforcement in the communities in which they occur. It would take quite a conspiracy of media to somehow "make up" the problem we have with high risk dogs. As to the medical professionals, if the links in the original article did not work for you, then just Google "NIH pit bull attacks" and see what you get. Please do at least read these and consider whether or not families with children or the elderly(the most frequent victims) should not be directed towards less risky dogs. In Richmond, you may wish to interview Sandra Wainwright, whose dog was killed on April 16 in Chesterfield County or Hazel Scott's 13-year-old granddaughter with 17 stitches and a dead poodle (the owner said cutting down trees aggravated the dog). Or in Henrico County, talk to Dalton Richardson, who was attacked by two pit bulls that had previously attacked a human and another dog.
Finally, I did not choose the headline for my commentary on a public health issue; that was the newspaper's choice.
Posted by: Bonny T Lee | May 28, 2015 at 11:52 PM
All of my dogs have been rescue breeds. This is a well written supportive piece. I support the position of Ms. Starr 100% and may cancel my subscription to the Roanoke Times.
Posted by: Sandra Myers | May 29, 2015 at 08:59 AM
Bonny T Lee, It is the essence of bigotry to believe that large groups of individuals all share the same traits. By no means are all pit bulls inappropriate matches for families with children or the elderly. To the contrary, there are pit bulls that are suitable companions for these categories of people, and others who are not, as is true for all types or groups of dogs. Animals are individuals, and their placement in homes should be thoughtfully arranged on an individualized basis. In your opinion piece published in the Roanoke Times, you even go beyond lumping all pit bulls together by repeatedly referring to “rescue” dogs as being the problem, sweeping into your prejudice all dogs acquired through shelter or rescue group adoptions. This is wildly unreasonable since there is no evidence whatsoever that rescue dogs present more dangers to people than do dogs purchased from breeders and pet stores. Adoption agencies like the Richmond SPCA work diligently to assure the appropriate placement of each individual dog and cat into the right loving and responsible home. We object to your continual collective reference to rescue dogs and to your unreasoned prejudice against pit bulls. Adopted pets make wonderful, loving companions, and your irresponsible disparagement of them is offensive and counterproductive to our efforts to save their lives.
Posted by: Robin Robertson Starr | May 29, 2015 at 09:42 AM
Thanks! I had not seen the article but sounds as though she had no idea what she was talking about and lord knows the animals need good homes and this could possibly have turned off many folks from adopting certain breeds. Makes you wonder who is at the helm on approving these articles to be published....
Posted by: Kristi Jones | May 29, 2015 at 05:55 PM
I have a rescue dog (German short-haired pointer mix) and I recently moved from Richmond to Roanoke. Perhaps I am to blame for all of this!
Posted by: Jim Walton | May 29, 2015 at 07:59 PM
Robin, you stole my thunder. my reaction was simply that EVERY dog is different,regardless of breed or type.
"you can't fix Stupid!"
Posted by: annie pelfrey | June 04, 2015 at 08:12 PM