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January 30, 2015


annie pelfrey

peta needs to be taken down-those wackadoos want to see NO companion animals. the general public lumps that group along with most who are only concerned with the well-being of domestic pets.repeatedly, i say "do your homework, and help locally!"

Mario R. Sevilla

I took a moment to write to Senator Mark D. Obenshain.

Here is what he wrote to me....

Dear Mr. Sevilla,

Thank you for writing me on SB 693, legislation which permits a person or organization to trap and sterilize a feral cat before returning it to the site where it was trapped. I voted against this bill when it came before me on the Agriculture, Conservation, and Natural Resources Committee. However, it reported 10-4-1 and awaits a floor vote by the full Senate.

Additionally, I wanted to inform you that SB 699, which deals with community cat programs, was passed by indefinitely in committee. No further action will be taken on this bill during this session.

As a pet owner, I understand the arguments on both sides of this debate, but I do not believe the Trap, Neuter, and Return program (SB 693) is the most effective approach to address the concern of feral cats. I'm grateful for your advocacy on this important issue and urge you to contact me if you have further comments, questions, or concerns.

Best regards,

Senator Mark D. Obenshain
26th Virginia Senate District
PO Box 396
Richmond, VA 23218

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