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February 22, 2013


Angi Baber

I will never forget that day she was brought in. I'm so honored to have been part of the effort to give her several happy, healthy years. Some of my happiest memories include hearing Astrid howl when she'd come back to the center with her owner for visits. She announced herself! The love and dedication of the staff and volunteers at the Richmond SPCA never wavers. At every opportunity, I brag about that to anyone who will listen. A special thanks to Brittany for her love and care in those last days for Astrid.

Lee Anne Holdren

I could hardly read the end of this through the tears. What a wonderful tribute to Astrid and to the angels on earth we have at the Richmond SPCA. I told someone recently that the people I've met through this organization are among the best people I've ever known. This article demonstrates this perfectly.

Claudia Yelton

I am so touched by the "giant hearts" of love that do more than "work" at the SPCA. These individuals are God's best work, and the precious animals whose lives have been touched by these loving people are the lucky ones. I believe that Astrid is somewhere in a realm that God has prepared for his beautiful creatures....

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