When you are talking about saving lives, 3502 is a very big number. That is the number of adoptions of precious, formerly homeless, pets our remarkable adoption staff accomplished in our 2011-12 fiscal year which just ended on Sunday. When we adopted a cute little hound named Daffy to her new wonderful family on Sunday afternoon, we achieved the 3,500 success mark that our adoption team has been shooting for all year. Then, they did a couple more great adoptions before our Sunday adoption hours ended and the fiscal year was closed.
Every single adoption we do means another homeless cat or dog we can take out of a local government shelter or from a hoarder or abuser. That is why it is absolutely true when we say that every adoption we accomplish means another life saved. This is serious work and our staff, Board, volunteers and supporters fully realize that. These sweet and deserving pets depend on us for their lives. And, we saved more than 3,500 of them last year.
The lion’s share of the credit for that life-saving success goes to Carly Sgueo, our Senior Manager of Shelter Operations, and Day Newsome, our Assistant Manager of Adoptions, and their team of hard- working, smart and capable adoption counselors. I am so proud of and so grateful to every one of them. It was a tour de force of dedication, energy and hard work. But, of course, every volunteer, every donor, every supporter, and every staff member has played a crucial role in this life saving success. We could not do it without the committed efforts of everyone who turns his or her love for animals into real, meaningful action for the Richmond SPCA!
Another fiscal year has now begun, and we must set our minds and our efforts to saving every single homeless animal we possibly can again this year. But it is always good to take a moment to savor a job well done and to say a huge thanks to the wonderful people who made it happen. And, when that job well done means precious lives saved, it is a moment truly worth celebrating.
Robin Robertson Starr is the chief executive officer of the Richmond SPCA. To read her biography or that of our other bloggers, please click here. Before posting a comment, please review our comment guidelines. Please note that our comment policy requires a first and last name to be used as your screen name.