Editor’s note: Our adoption counselors call and send post cards to our adoptive families to follow up on how each pet is doing in his or her new home. We always love when we get detailed replies and wanted to share this one about Reba.
I received your postcard about my adoption of Reba and wanted to touch base with you concerning how things are going.
You had asked if we stayed with our "Wild West" theme in naming her. Well, we have Wyatt Earp (a Shih-Tzu) and Annie Oakley (a Himalayan), and as for Reba, we officially named her Calamity Jane, but we're actually calling her Reba-Jane (could she sound any more country?! haha). Poor little thing, I know she was found in the city, but we're country-fying her quickly! She seems quite taken with sitting in the window seat watching the chickens, roosters and guinneas in the yard, so I think it's going well. :)
I've attached some pictures. The first one is of her under my bed where she likes to go when she's unsure who's around. The second picture is of her playing with the laser light (you can barely see the red dot on the bed) with Annie (this is how my husband got them to be friends). The third picture is of her on the cat play land my husband built.
Reba-Jane is an absolute doll baby! She's still unsure about the other pets in the house because she doesn't trust them – can't blame her considering that Annie treated her pretty badly the first couple of days she was home. They still swap an occasional hiss and smack, but they also lie around the house together and work their chorus of meows when it's feeding time.
She loves a lot of attention and will let you pet her forever. She loves for someone to rub her between the eyes and stretches her neck and closes her eyes when you hit the "right spot.” Every night she gets in bed with my husband and me and she does some kind of suckling and kneading thing – first on David's arm and then on mine. David looked this behavior up online and read that it means she's accepting us as "parents." If that's the case, wonderful!
Thank you so much for a wonderful adoption experience. Everything from the facility (which is WAY cool) to the staff (who could not have been kinder) was absolutely perfect!!! I appreciate the honesty, knowledge and expertise offered every step of the way.
I look forward to adopting with the Richmond SPCA again and have recommended you guys to everyone I know.
Tina Pollard and her family adopted Reba (aka Calamity Jane) on Dec. 16, 2011. To read the biographies of our regular bloggers, please click here. Before posting a comment, please review our comment guidelines. Please note that our comment policy requires a first and last name to be used as your screen name.